I can see! It’s about time. I don’t understand why they had to sew on my mouth first and not my eyes; oh well I’m just glad I can see! But right now I’m only a flat piece of fabric, I should be soft and puffy soft and puffy like a unicorn Pillowpet should be. Ow! What is going on? There is big hand shoving white soft stuff into me. Oh, I see, it’s fluff. I’m finally going to be fat and puffy. Why is it so dark, I can’t see and I mushed between my brother and my third cousin. It smells like cardboard in here. Maybe i’’m in a box. I guess it doesn’t really matter, what matters is where I am going.
I need some answers. Like, why am I on a shelf so high up? I’m afraid of heights. “This is not working for me, I can’t be cute and adorable under these terrible working conditions!” I yell at the top of my lungs.
“Quiet down, some of us are trying to sleep” the lady bug next to me grumbles. I roll my eyes and try to put on a happy face. Lights! Here come the people, why are there so many? It must have something to do with the giant sign that says Black Friday Sale. I wonder what that is. Woah! Why is a little girl putting her grubby hands all over my adorable face?
“Put it down Susan, Christmas is coming,so put it on your Christmas list!” the mother yells poking her head around the corner of the next isle over. I shudder at the thought of belonging to this wicked little girl. I get tossed back on the shelf and land with a painful thud. This is terrible, simply terrible. Then all of a sudden I am being lifted gently from the shelf and find myself face to face with a pretty lady.
“This will be perfect for Ashley!” The lady says glancing down at her young son, and he nods agreeing. So I get placed in the cart and I get to sit and rest for a while while she finishes her shopping.
Beep! I smile joyfully as I get scanned and placed carefully in a bag that says Walmart. Everything after that is pretty much a blur, I remember getting to her home and stored carefully on a low shelf of a closet, and suprisingly, I don’t even mind the darkness! I even became good friends with some of the other toys stored in the closet. But too soon it was time to be wrapped. I was placed in a large bag and covered with a blanket of tissue. How nice!
Showtime! I knew it was Christmas day by the way the lady’s son was yelling and laughing, and I heard the sound of wrapping paper being crinkled up. I don’t think I am a gift for her son so I must be a gift for one of her relatives, maybe a niece or cousin. I can’t wait to find out! Woah! I yell as I am snapped out of my happy thoughts. The bag I'm in gets swung back and forth several times and after about the fifth swing I black out from dizziness.
When I wake up I hear talking and laughter, and I can smell Delicious food being devoured a few feet away. I get bored listening to their meaningless conversations, so I doze off and about an hour later I wake up to “Presents!” It sounds like the son of the nice lady who bought me. I’m picked up and carried a short distance and set down with a gentle thud.
Light, I see the light! Oh wait, I’m not dead, somebody is opening the bag I’m in! A pretty girl is lifting me out and giving me a big hug.
“I love it Nicki! Thank-you so much!” the girl squeals.
“You’re welcome Ashley!” Nicki replies sweetly. So that’s Nicki, and my new owner’s name is Ashley. This is amazing I love all of the hugs Ashley is giving me. I can’t wait to see her home! This is way better than Walmart!
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