Author's Note:Deceiving people is what Mary does, it's what she's done since the day her parents were murdered. She must step it up a level when she has to pretend to be a boy on a ship. This poem discusses and analyzes Bloody Jack By L.A. Meyer and Mary's journey as Jack Mary Faber, ship's boy.
Charlie is dead
he is the glue
that held their gang together
Mary is on her own
without charlie she has no home
the moon shines
she takes her knife
she cuts
her hair
as short as it will go
she is on her own
she needs to find her way
Mary will now be a ships boy
called Jack
She calls it the "deception"
she cannot be a ships boy
if she is a girl
the ship is not a place for girls
but she is tough
it’s her only option
she finds friends
they are all special to her
but Jamie is different
this cannot be happening
she is going to remain a boy
even if it means pushing Jaimy away
it should be easy
because he has no clue
none of them do
she’s like Katniss Everdeen
in a way
good at pushing people away
but you can’t keep pushing forever
people will find a way to pull you in
Jack "Mary" Faber is all alone
and that's how she wants to keep it
but slowly those ship's boys push their ways into her heart
they are brothers
friends for all of time
she can't deny their friendships
just like she can't deny her love for Jaimy
she has to tell him
but she cant
arguements swirl through her head
her mind versus her heart
the heart wins
as always
love conquers all
Jaimy knows
he loves her
they sneak off into dark corners
it’s their own little secret
nobody knows
he knows being on this ship is important to her
she cannot lead this "deception" forever
it must soon come to an end
and it does
all that is sweet does not last forever
it always comes to a bitter end
the "deception" comes to an end
right before she becomes a midshipsman
she must leave her beloved Jaimy
but she will always be thought of as Midshipman Jack
on the S.S. Dolphin
and in Jaimy's heart.
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