
Friday, May 11, 2012


Author's Note:This is a free-form poem focused on the middle of the ocean, my main focus was the symbolism and in the poem I contradict myself with the symbolism I incorporated.

the waves chat merrily as they bump each other
the fish slither through its depths
the birds dip, dive and weave through the fragile waves
breaking the surface and causing smooth ripples
it sparkles and glitters under the watchful sun
which beats down with great intensity.
it’s a beautiful summer day
but not for me
i am sitting on an uncharted island
the sun beats down relentlessly
my skin is scorched
my clothes are tattered
my hair is a rats nest
my feet are torn up
it’s starting to get to me
I am
it’s the worst feeling
i haven’t laughed in forever
i am more hollow than a coconut
my heart is a deflated balloon
you don’t ever want to be

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